Project Estimation in a Matrix
Resource estimation in a multiple-project, shared-resource
matrix environment must be a collaborative effort between Resource Managers,
Project Managers and Portfolio Managers. Most organizations rarely have these
roles work together in the formation, tracking and correlation of resource and
project estimates. They also rarely collaborate in developing the tools to be
used – and thus the tool suite is designed in a silo-based approach with a
specific purpose in mind: portfolio management system, resource management
system, project management lifecycle; and project schedules.
This workshop will discuss the knowledge which can and must be shared in
order for estimation to become more accurate and for critical resources
to be used more effectively. |
Key Topics: |
- Accuracy vs. Precision
- Types of estimates
- Types of estimating models
- Distinction of Roles
- Historical Learning
One-two days |
Target Population: |
- Individuals and organizations interested in improving the accuracy
of their estimates and assisting them and their project teams in
delivering successful projects with greater predictability.