Company Profile...

What We Do

Through highly targeted consulting and training, we help our clients achieve performance improvement that’s both measurable and sustainable.

Ensuring Return on Investment (ROI)

Cambridge Consulting is not new in the field of performance improvement and measurable ROI. Working with our partners across the globe, our record in assisting large and small enterprises goes back many years. A few examples:

  • 2014-present: We are helping a Fortune 50 company to improve project performance by providing basic and advanced project management performance development to their professionals around the world, using a customized version of our PM Best Practices workshop along with related and advanced topics.

  • 2008-2011: We helped a global advertising agency to substantially increase their profit margins (by a factor of six) and client satisfaction through the targeted and measured use of Cambridge Consulting project management techniques

  • 1998-2002: We helped a global financial services organization substantially improve client satisfaction through targeted application of our client service excellence content.

  • 1991-1993: We helped a global manufacturing conglomerate to save millions of dollars on non-capital quality improvement across 90+ plants throughout North America with the use of Cambridge Quality Improvement techniques.

  • 1986-1988: We helped a major U.S. automobile manufacturer to increase productivity by 30% while, at the same time, reducing overtime by 50% with the use of Cambridge resources and proprietary content.

Sample Workshops and Support Offerings that Support Performance Development and Continuous Improvement Initiatives

Sample Performance Development Workshops

Below are descriptions of some of our workshops that could add value for your professionals. They are all one- or two-day workshops that can also be delivered in streamlined webinar versions (2 hours long), and include:

  1. Project Management Best Practices (1-2 days): The eight keys to ensuring project success.

  2. Project Productivity Killers (2 days): How to Get Them Before They Get You- Dealing with the productivity issues that cost your professionals over six weeks per year

  3. Project/Client Relationship Management (1-2 days): Using relationship management to create a competitive advantage for you and your organization.

  4. Managing Virtual/Global Teams (1 day): Driving maximum performance when teams are separated by time, space and culture.

  5. Effective Communication (1 day): How the Performance Leaders Get Things Done

  6. Time Management for Professionals (1 day): Getting more done with less stress

  7. Power Meetings (1/2 day): Increase effectiveness while reducing meeting time by 25%.

  8. Integrative Thinking (1 day): To help those responsible for making recommendations and decisions to account for all of the non-operational factors that impact success.

  9. Intelligent Risk Taking (1 day): To help professionals at all levels to assess, take and support calculated risks when they can generate a significant improvement to the organization.

  10. Managing Problems and Decisions (1-2 days): Application of critical thinking to problems, solutions, decisions and recommendations

  11. Blueprint for Project Success (1-2 days): 10 Keys to Creating a Best-in-Class Project Organization

  12. Portfolio Management (1 day): Managing the essential link between strategy and projects.

Whether used off-the-shelf or tailored to meet your exact requirements, our workshops and support services are designed to promote skill development that is repeatable, measurable and sustainable. All of our workshops utilize demonstration, practice and application to real-world issues. This helps to assure that skills can be applied back on the job.

Continuous Improvement Support Services

Cambridge Consulting offers much more than just training. We help our clients to assure that the right skills are developed and used to help in making the organization more effective and profitable. Below are just a few of the services we have used to help clients achieve measurable improvement.

1. Process Improvement/Development Methodology

This service is designed to:

  • Make targeted processes more customer-focused, effective and efficient.

  • Acquire the capabilities and resources to address additional processes using in-house resources.

Target Processes: Any processes within an organization that are not performing as expected, or those that need to be enhanced in response to changing conditions.

Timing: Approximately five weeks from initial preparation to delivery of future state process documentation

2. Project Management Diagnostic Assessment

The PMDA supports the need to address a variety of issues impacting project performance within your organization. The project management Diagnostic Assessment can be used to:.

  • Generate organization-wide data that validates specific PM improvement needs so that it would be clear to senior managers and others what the issues are along with approaches for addressing them.

  • Generate baseline performance data that can be used to measure the impact of performance improvement efforts currently being developed or considered.

  • Promote organization-wide involvement in the improvement initiative. By collecting and reporting on input from project managers, directors and other key stakeholders, there is an increased likelihood that they will buy into and support efforts to resolve the performance issues.

Recommended Assessment Target: Any project management approach (formal or informal) within an organization that is not performing as expected, or that need to be enhanced in response to changing conditions.

Timing: Approximately 3-5 weeks from initial preparation to delivery of detailed report and recommendations

3. Project Management Methodology Development

“When you need a process and don’t have one, you pay for it without getting it”. In many organizations, the price for the absence of a high-performance project management methodology is significant in terms of the time and expense associated with rework, missed deadlines, client dissatisfaction, etc.

The purpose of this tailored one-day working session is to:

  • Develop an organization-specific Project Management methodology (including the process and supporting documentation) that reflects your project portfolio characteristics and needs

  • Develop a field test plan to assess the efficacy of the methodology and ensure continuous improvement

  • Identify and capture ideas for ensuring organization-wide buy-in and commitment

  • Identify and document next steps for methodology implementation

Recommended Target: Any organization with a PM Methodology that is underperforming

Timing: Approximately four weeks from initial preparation to delivery of project methodology documentation.

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