The Facilitated Planning Session is designed to help teams make immediate and
rapid progress toward any desired outcome through the guided use of a proven
methodology. The Facilitated Planning Session is a consultant-guided
effort that covers key techniques for project definition, planning and
execution. We provide as much or as little support as needed to ensure a
successful outcome.
To provide assistance to project teams in the definition, planning and
implementation of significant, high visibility projects where success is
critical to both the team and the organization. |
Steps: |
Define Project with Sponsor and other key stakeholders |
Plan for initial meeting with project team and other key stakeholders |
Finalize project definition with team |
Build high level and detailed implementation plans |
Develop plans to manage communication, hand offs, measurement, project
risks and
team effectiveness |
Assign responsibilities for all actions |
Agree on next steps and reporting protocol |
Two one-day sessions separated by approximately 1-2 weeks |
Population: Intact project teams that may also include project clients
and other business partners (e.g., suppliers). |